Thursday, May 28, 2009

Maxwell Leif is 1 month old today!

Max is growing fast. He is now 12.5 lbs and 23 inches long.

We've been using the double stroller for evening walks. Everyone likes it.

I carry Max around quite a bit in the sling when we are indoors, but it is so hot outside that I am glad to have the stroller so he won't get over-heated.

Yesterday Maggie had her ballet performance. They did a flamenco style dance complete with castanets to "Phantom of the Opera". It was cute.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rough Day

Yup...Sean didn't take his nap and Maggie was at a sleep over last night so we had some grumpy kids today. Fortuneately, Glen was able to cheer them up after dinner with a ride on "the machine".

Everyone is asleep now. Now I can get to work on reading my 5 magazines, 3 books, or working on 2 crochet projects, or asundered clean up/organizational projects around the house. .... or I could sit at my computer and blog and waste time on the internet. So much to do, so little kid-free time.

Kiddo Updates

Glen is officially done with school now and is starting his summer off mowing the lawn. He is always so industrious. I went into school yesterday to turn in my grades. Maggie and Sean have one more week of school, then everyone will be home for the summer.

Maggie went on a "camp out" with her girl scout troop last night. It actually was more of a sleepover at the school. It was raining so they slept indoors. They had their little badge ceremony as well. Maggie earned 4 Brownie Try-Its which are the little triangle badges and a patch for selling cookies. According to her troop leader, Maggie was the last Brownie awake (fell asleep around midnight) and everyone was awake by 5a.m. Needless to say, Maggie hasn't been too pleasant today and so I've just let her veg by the tv.

Sean hasn't been sleeping too well lately. A combination of teething and getting used to his new role in the family with Max I think. He has been waking up crying in the middle of the night. Glen has been taking care of Sean at night so I think I am actually getting more sleep taking care of Max than Glen has been taking care of Sean. Sean slept in until 9 a.m. this morning. He is usually up between 6:30 and 7:00. He is currently riding around in the backpack while Glen mows the lawn. After which is nap time. Who knows if he will sleep. After nap we will take all the kids to Grandma Nancy's for a swim, if they aren't too grumpy. Otherwise, we will go tomorrow.

Sean's vocabulary has been really growing. I heard him call " me" from the other room when his train came unlatched and he couldn't get it back together. He has a lot of 2 word sentences. "Hold him" (refering to Max), "don't want that", "daddy's here". Its very cute. He has also branched out on footwear. For the past few months he would only wear one pair of shoes but recently, he has let me put him in teva like sandals to play outside. Yay! No more struggling with socks and sneakers.

Max still has trouble with baby acne, but he is sleeping for longer stretches at night. He will go down around 8pm and wake at midnight and 4 a.m. to nurse. Totally do-able!! He likes to take warm bathes and still hates having his diaper changed. But at least he hasn't peed on me recently. ;) Speaking of which, I hear him waking up...

Monday, May 18, 2009


Its been around 103 all week. Supposed to be 107 today. Definately pool time. I, sadly, cannot partake yet, nor can Maxwell, so I sat and tried to take pictures from a shady spot. They didn't turn out to great. Next time Grandma Nancy will have to hold the baby while I take pictures, but Max didn't want to do that this time.

Sean is an official water baby. He absolutely loves swimming, just like big sis Maggie, and daddy.

Even though he couldn't swim, Max was all tuckered out afterwards anyway. :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

B-day party!

We had 5 girls over for Maggie's birthday party today. Three from school, one from down the street, and one from Maggie's old preschool we still hang with on occasion. :) She had a great time. You would not have believed the loud and shrill squeals all afternoon. We set up a slip-n-slide in the backyard and let them go to town. They had fun playing in Maggie's treehouse and working on the treasure hunt I made for them. I took a bunch of pictures, but there aren't many I can post because I don't want to put up pictures of Maggie's friends without their parents permission. Here are a few though.

Sean watching the slip-n-slide flood the yard. We should have nice, green grass in about a week.

Max looks totally relaxed on Grandma Nancy's lap in the 103 degree heat.
Maggie decorating her cupcake. The girls really enjoyed that. They each decorated 2 or 3 and I sent them home with their parents all sugared up. (Sorry) But at least they spent 2 hours running around the yard.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Maggie!

Maggie is now 7 years old!

She got dressed up for her family party in her cinderella dress. She wanted to wear it to her birthday party on Saturday, but I said it probably wouldn't work since the main activity is the slip-n-slide.

Here is Maggie getting into her new toys the morning after before school. The kids had to eat breakfast with everything still on the table from the night before. Sean is battling pink eye and is teething. So he is grumpy because I wont let him touch the baby and has been waking up at night crying from teeth pain. He wont take any tylenol for the teeth pain. :(

Here is 3/5 of the family. Sean didn't want in the picture. Happy birthday Maggie! Max is now 2.5 weeks old.

Here is a photo of Sean loving Max pre-pink-eye. One of Sean's new phrases is "hold him" or "hold Matt" (He can't quite pronounce Max).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009