Happy birthday to Sean! My sweet baby boy is now 2! It seems so old! Here are some pictures from his party. First up is him with his loot.

Maggie kept "helping" him open his presents because he wanted to stop and play each time a new toy was discovered. It was late in the evening, so Sean didn't get a lot of time to play with his new stuff, so its hard to tell what his favorites are. Maybe we'll find out tomorrow what he likes. Grandma Nancy, Grandpa David, and cousing Tesla came over. (Tesla is staying with G&G over the summer while she interns at ASU at the BioInstitute recombining DNA or something like that. She is going into her senior year at a science and math magnet highschool where I believe she is on her way to being Valedictorian. Brains and Beauty! Maggie looooooooves Tesla)

Poor Max. He is usually slumbering around 8 or 8:30pm. So by 9:30, he had had it.

This is the toy Maggie picked out for Sean. He loves the 6 little cars that came with it. They would get scattered as new presents came over to be unwrapped and I saw him later on hunting them all out and lining them up together.

I planned on making Sean an applesauce cake with cream cheese icing, but Glen reminded me that Sean doesn't really eat cake. We saw him eat the icing and a bit of icecream at Maggie's party. So we ended up buying an icecream cake from Dairy Queen as I was running out of time today. I was a little sad not to have a homemade cake for him, but Sean was ecstatic about the car painted on the cake.

Love that hyper-dyed blue icing. Even though we washed him after this, a faint blue tinge remains. Eeeewwwwww....

Trying out Sean's new ball in Maggie's room.

Phew! 3 birthdays and an anniversary in the past month has left us party planned out. Now we can relax...
And lastly, I took this video before his party. He was having fun this afternoon rolling his big truck down the ramp. He is a little chatterbox nowadays, and is getting very good at repeating words you say to him.
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