Maggie's girl scout troop went horseback riding in Cave Creek (just north of Scottsdale) the other day. Grandma Nancy took her as I didn't want to be hanging around outside all day with a newborn in this hot weather. It actually only got up to 94 degrees that day, so it wasn't too bad. Grandma took all these pictures. There were definately other little scouts there, I just only post pictures of Maggie alone incase other kids parents object to photos on the internet. Anyway, the "little kids" did an hour and a half ride, had lunch, and then took a hike while the "older kids" did their ride. Maggies troop is a mix of brownies, juniors, and cadets. She had great fun. I heard more about the frogs in the stream and feeding the pig crackers than I heard about the actual horse ride.

Ready to go! In her bag was water and carrots for the horse.

Off into the wild desert. I guess the horses all know where to go and just follow the leader. Maggie said she passed someone when their horse stopped. She was excited about that too.

Grandma didn't want to risk riding a horse, so she hung back and "guarded" the food.

I included the next picture so you can see the tooth on the right sticking out. Maggie's front tooth is coming in an making her baby tooth loose and also stick out. I keep reminding her to wiggle it so it will fall out faster as it looks really wierd.

Feeding the pig crackers....
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