The key to surviving the pre-holiday crazies has been divide and conquer. Glen and Sean versus Maggie, Max, and Mom. Sean and Glen have taken numerous drives and visited Grandma a lot these last few days, while the rest of us have been at home. I've been wrapping, cooking, cleaning and nursing while Max mostly sleeps and Maggie mostly watches holiday movies on tv. One day until Christmas and maybe life will calm down after that. (Yipes!)
When the whole family is together, its best to stay active so no-0ne has a chance to bug, hit, annoy, scratch, grab, or bite anyone else. Here we are on A-mountain in downtown Tempe. Sean walked all the way up and down despite Glen bringing the backpack. I carried Max in the front carrier. Maggie ran up and down like 4 times in the span of our ascent. That girl has so much energy. The only time I have seen her tired is after a 12 hour day at Disneyland.
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