Here is Glen pumping water so Maggie can put out a "fire".
Here is Glen chatting up the helicopter pilot, asking him all sorts of aviation specific questions.
Here is the airforce fire truck watering the desert beside the museum. Maggie was impressed by the rainbow all the water created.
We had a good time. After the excitement, we came home for nap. We had tried to meet up with a friend at the Hall of Flame, but they weren't able to make it. However, she invited us to their school's Halloween Carnival. Maggie didn't need much persuading! Here she is decked out as Cleopatra.
Sean, on the other hand, was a little grumpy we drug him out of nap (at 4 pm!!!) in order to cram him into a Halloween costume that is tooooo small. This is the only picture I was able to get of him as a NASA astronaut (or rocket boy as we called him). I'll be sure to do better on Halloween.
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