What is going on in the Hestenes world?
Adrienne and Glen: Both of us need to update our certification for teaching in Arizona. And of course, as everyone knows, beaurocracy is never fun. We've done our 180+ hours of professional development (Actually, we were both closer to 400+ hours), we've taken the 4 credits of utterally pointless SEI classes (Structured English Immersion), we've updated our fingerprint cards, we've gotten the superintendent to sign off (no easy task as the office is downtown Phoenix in the midst of construction and only open during school hours...why does that make sense???), and now, the least step, is to go to the Arizona Department of Education tommorrow and pay around $200 each to get recertified for another 6 years. Bleh. Tomorrow is the day to do it because Maggie has early release which means Nancy will pick her up so I will have time to do this without having to rush home to pick her up from Kindergarten.
Glen: He found a new frisbee golf course today right next door to Villa Montessori while picking up the application for Maggie. He says that is good luck, so maybe we will get in this year. :) Its only a 9 hole course, but fun. He tried it out.
Maggie: Grandma Nancy picked her up at noon today. They had an adventure in Chandler which included bringing home quail eggs, papaya, coconut, and brown rice candy. Maggie said she saw squid so I am guessing they went to a Chinese Market. Cooked up the quail eggs for Maggie's dinner. She ate 4 of them. They were really tiny.
Sean: Ate his carrots puree and applesauce at daycare today, but no breastmilk. He was doing so well last week too. Downing a bottle everyday. He is back to his old tricks of refusing the bottle again. Guess the growth spurt is over. Sean has moved into a Large diaper (eek!). I've been posting on Diaperswappers to sell off some of his smaller mediums. I really don't want to sell the giraffe one. It is soooooo cute. Why can't he stay small for a while longer....
Glen: Just came running in to announce that the Suns have acquired Shaq (Shaquille ONeal)! He is totally jazzed.
Adrienne: Off to acquire me some icecream. :)
8 years ago
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