Wow. Has it really been almost a week since my last post? Time flies. Its been a good week. Maggie had her first field trip at school. They went to the zoo. I assume it went well. She really doesn't like to talk about her day. But her daily classwork sheet I have to sign came home with stars instead of frowning faces, so i guess things went well. I realized I need to start shopping for Christmas pronto. No more of this lazy online browsing. Its time to commit and buy!
Sean is wearing 12-18 months size clothes! He is only 5 months old! Yikes! Its getting hard to find babyish clothes that size. Everything is jeans and football shirts and polos. I really don't want to dress my baby up like a little bruiser! Let him be little for a bit longer. So I am on the hunt for soft knit baby pants and onesies in bright colors. None of this navy/gray/brown stuff. I want bright red, kelly green, and deep purple! My kids are children. THey deserve to dress in bright, fun colors. I don't like the adult male color scheme they are pushing in the 12-18 month clothing section. :( Rant done.
8 years ago
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